08 August 2011


So there is some solace in having "moved"-- I no longer need to dread it, it already happened. I no longer need to imagine packing. I packed. I no longer need to worry about the cat. He's here and doing ok. I no longer need to worry how I'll feel or if I'll cry or how each of my "last times" will play out.

I am here in my new place. It is smelly which I find very discouraging. Old smoke maybe, musty, inside of drawer smell... it was hot and steamy today which does nothing to help with smelliness.

We're up to our necks in boxes in one room (this one where I set up my desk and a pathway, and I sit facing a window), up to our knees in boxes and piles everywhere else. With help from friends (TammyLove) and my mom, two mover guys and my love, today went very smoothly. My funky stuff looks funky here too, and things are starting to take shape through the mess.

Doug is home for the night, and leaves first thing in the morning, so I won't linger here. But I can say that in this moment, I am relieved that I am no longer anticipating the move. I may not be moved in, but I sure am moved.


Aisha said...

Hugs hon, hang in there- I'm glad that you have gone through and are past what you dreaded most- but I know its still hard. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Hilary...sweet, you moved! So, that's done. Sorry I got my signals crossed about where you were going; I would have loved to tell you about the baby/momma resources in Portland, but let me just say I love your new town. I was a fellow at the MacDowell colony a few years ago and I wish I was moving there (the town, not the colony), too. I'm sure you're already very familiar with it, but isn't the bookstore great? Best of luck to you, I'm sure everything is going to line up very nicely for you
--yours, Hilary.

(another) karen said...

Wishing you peace and all the comforts of home...

It Is What It Is said...

Congrats on being on the other side of packing and the physical move. We begin doing the same (packing) now, in anticipation of our move over Labor Day weekend. Can't wait to be in the same place you are, which is to say, in our new place with our stuff.

sprogblogger said...

Moving in is always better than moving out. Thinking of you all and hoping you find some things to love about your new home.

What IF? said...

Moving and adjusting is really tough stuff; not to be underestimated. We moved to a different state a month ago, and I still feel somewhat lost and unsettled despite now being mostly unpacked. Everything is well, different. It's hard to give a new place a chance when one is still emotionally holding onto everything one has lost/given up/moved away from.

I don't mean to sound discouraging... Just wanted to share to let you know you're not alone, that it is indeed hard, and that it will take time to build new memories with Doug and Della in your new surroundings. You are such a strong, resilient woman - you can do this!

Thinking of you, and holding you close as you find your feet - and center - again.

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

It's done! The unpacking part can be a wonderful process, letting you transform the new place into a home.

Except for unpacking the kitchen. Unwrapping every plate and glass is just tedious.

Welcome home! You have D&D, so it's already home.