14 September 2009



and yabber.
(because what is woot without yabber, I ask you)
holy moly I AM SO SCARED- what if there are no eggs retrieved like last time?
what if they get some but they are not mature?
or don't pollinate? I mean, fertilize?
what if they don't divide and grow?
what if
what if
what if
what if there are no eggs?
I think you get the picture, heck, you can probably hear my brain all the way over there,
somewhere between a babble and a scream.
holy moly I am so psyched. This little upgrade decision just upped our chances 2X.
And holy moly I am so scared. This ups the ante, ups the financial component too-- more to lose.

All I know: 19 16 16 14 13 13 13 12 mostly on the right, and they hope to get 4-7 if all goes well. I stim today and tomorrow morning... then trigger tomorrow night, time TBD.

oh my oh my oh my
and one "holy shit" for good measure
one very sincere "please".


Megan said...

awesome news and great counts! Keep em growing all week!!!

Best of luck.

Eb said...

cool! grow eggies, grow!

bb said...

That is awesome!!! Woohoo!! and I think the counts look great too, go go go go!

B. said...

OMG, OMG, OMG... Woohoo!! The numbers and sizes are great, and I'm all excited for you. Think grow-follie thoughts, and be good to yourself. Good luck!!

Sprogblogger said...

WOOHOOOOO! Looks fantastic! Absolutely fantastic!

MabelB said...

Wow! Congratulations! Those follicles sound in great shape! Good luck.

Sarah said...

and a great big please for you from me, too! eeeeeeek, so very very exciting! and how nice to have a date, they never give me a retrieval date until the day before. do you keep going back for more checks every day until thursday? i think i would otherwise lose my mind the next few days!

fyi my word verification is butchoos, which in my mind rhymes with muchos, which is obviously good luck :)

K said...

Yay! This is very exciting. My retrieval is Wednesday so we are totally on the same track now. Your numbers look good. I am very happy for you. Please, please, let this be the one.

Mad Hatter said...

Wow!!! That's fantastic! I am soooooo happy for you and your fabulous follies! September is off to a great start for you!

There are eggs.
There are eggs.
There are eggs.

Beautiful, healthy eggs.

Can you see them?


onwardandsideways said...

Thems are some mighty good numbers, girlie!

May all of your baby dreams come true this time...!


Melissa said...

YAY!! So happy for you. Fingers crossed.

Illanare said...

Lots of egg-growing vibes being sent your way...

IF Optimist, then... said...

Oh yeah! I'll be your cheerleader. GO GO GO GO GO! Let's see lots of happy eggs. I'll be sending lots and lots of love and magic and hope and bright shiny things your way for Thursday. You did it girl!

Nic said...

Thats great news!! keeping everything crossed for you!!
If is a big word, try to keep positive. Good luck!!

Barefoot said...

OMG -- what great news!!! Wishing you lots of luck (and eggs) for Thursday.

Billy said...

Rooting for you :-).

Kate said...

Wow, with all those new ones popping up, I bet your E2 is rising nicely. Thank God your body is obeying and not surging prematurely. From the sizes, I wouldn't be surprised if they get a good few good eggs out of you on the day of retrieval. Sure hope so!
I was also all over IVF as a way to boost my chances beyond IUI. I was getting so sick of the injects +/- IUI 10-15% chance every month. Bring on the IVF with 35-70% chance, depending on the clinic and diagnosis and age etc! So much better. I'm very excited for you! Hope you get some great quality eggs out of this, and ones that make the whole DE decision a moot point. If my aunt could have her miracle baby at 45 after 3 failed IVFs (so says my Mom, since of course her infertility was a big secret that I wasn't privy to), I'm sure there's hope for you to find the golden egg too!
Hope you have great results tomorrow - I'll be eagerly checking for your update. And for an even better than expected ER report on Thurs! I was told I could hope for 7-8 good ones when I was told to trigger (based on size combined with E2), and by some miracle ended up with 14 of 16 mature. I'll hope for similar results out of your ovaries!
You've got lots of cheerleaders, by the looks of things. And I hope that recent pounding-heart hike was a good one, because I hope you'll be banned from strenuous activity for a while in the very near future!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo!!! That is great news - I am so happy and excited for you!

Joannah said...

Wow! What a wonderful surprise! I hope you get lots of mature eggs, and that they fertilize. Are you doing ICSI? We did and it really maximized the number of embryos we ended up with.

I'm hoping this is the one for you!!!

Grade A said...

I'll second that "Please!!!!" Wishing you the best, Kate. Eggs, if you are listening: grow, be fertilized and thrive!

JB - A.K.A. Jenn said...

Sweet Kate,

I am going to say an extra special pretty please prayer for you and those beautifully maturing eggies!

I figure a few more prayers couldn't hurt....right?

Sorry for not posting or keeping in touch...lots going on here but I just HAD to wish you well!

Huge fertile positive hugs!

aimeemax said...

That's great Kate!! You've infected me with your happy now.

Thanks <3 (<- that's a heart!)

Hope said...

That is good news, all the best for your ET on Thurday. May this cycle bring you success.

Michele said...

And another very sincere PLEASE from this peanut gallery too!!!