Hi All,
It is my beloved sister's birthday this day--
so if you get a moment, would you stop by her blog and wish her a happy one? It would be fun to inundate her with good wishes.
This morning's scan showed 4 follicles over 13-- more under 12. No numbers yet from bloodwork etc, I'll update later!
** quick update:
R: 13.89 13.25 multiple under 12
L: 14.2, 13.9 few under 12
E2 1591
LH 6.24
verdict? doses stay the same, and back tomorrow morning for a recheck!
this whole waking up at 4:30 because I am worried I will sleep though my alarm, have weird dreams in semi sleep until 5:30 thing is tough
but the mornings are so beautiful it is really hard to bitch.
but the tired? oomph.
the insides? active! sore and achy and full and crampy and twingey and intermittent stabbing pain up left side of the inside of my hoo ha for the past few hours (not so fun), so yup, things are happening.
I dream of a heating pad and a nap but am *so friggin happy* that this is going ok so far. We may trigger friday or saturday unless we let the big ones go to get more little ones. We'll see.
holy crap.
Love your numbers! Woohoo!! And those little ones DO catch up, as demonstrated by the vast discrepancy between my last pre-ER u/s and the ER itself. I read somewhere that you probably have one retrievable follie for every 100 units of E2 by the end of stims. I'm cheering for you! And hoping the traffic gods smile on your trips! (You're keeping track of mileage for tax purposes, right?)
And now to wish your sister a wonderful birthday...
Sounds like you are right on track with your follicles. Also no one in the lead that is terrific.
So excited for you!
Wow - that sounds really good. Sorry about the half-asleep/dreaming - I do that too when I am anxious about my upcoming appointment. Good luck at tomorrow's u/s! So exciting.
Grow, little follies, grow! Everything is crossed for you, Kate!
Not saying much, because, well, I'm not good with numbers and I haven't a clue what they all mean. But you seem happy and positive and that makes my heart warm.
I'm here. Silently cheering you on.
yay for progress!! keeping those follies growing!!
LOVING those numbers, loving the progress. Come on, follicles! Grow! Grow! Grow!
Things are looking really good for those numbers. I think this is a good clinic that have hit the right combination for you. Also wooo hooo excellent 3-striped lining. Hoping, wishing, pleading and praying to the grand universe for a big happy result in a couple of weeks. GO KATE! GO KATE GO!
Love you, your follicles, and everything else. Good luck in the morning.
I was thinking of you today - this (your!) cycle is so exciting! Lots of sparkly magic happening in your belly!! Yay!
Kate - hooray! So excited for you and your follies! Thinking of you and sending ALL my positive thoughts...
Wonderful to read how well things are going with this cycle. Hooray!
Sounds good!!!
So glad the scans and bloodwork are all looking good. Hope this is THE cycle for you. And that you can be the one handing your own darling baby to someone when you go out.
I should have more time to cheer you on now that I'm in the new house and got my work presentation over with this morning. Still have to unpack, but that's not sooo bad.
Hope the commute to the clinic for monitoring doesn't tire you out too much!
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