They tried 3 IVs before they got one in right, the nurse was great, but my veins? not so much. But good lord the drugs this time have left me noodled and foggy for much much longer than ever before. I feel like a newt.
It is dark out and I feel like my day folded, morning into night with very little in between.
I came home, took tylenol, and went to bed. I slept on and off all afternoon, finally dragging myself to a semi upright position around 4:30. But I would not call myself competent, that's for sure. No heavy machinery for me.
Tomorrow morning we will know if any were mature, how many fertilized, and I am scared and hopeful and yeah, I admit scared is winning.
I'll update once I know more tomorrow. The good news? I am pretty sure I will sleep like a rock.
Thank you all for your incredibly kind words on my blog-anniversary. I still cannot believe I am here.
Congratulations wondergirl on making it through the day and for getting 5. In celebration, I give you more than you ever cared to know about the number 5:
I hope that you get many mature ones and have an opportunity for a great transfer on Monday. Sending hugs and lots of love.
yay! five!
Great news on the five! I'll add you to my prayers tonight for all to be mature and to keep on developing.
For someone who's still drugged up, you sound rather coherent.
I'll be eagerly awaiting your further reports, and cheering you on from my couch!!
I laughed when I read "I feel like a newt." And I cheered when I read "5." Hope you are sleeping well already and good luck tomorrow!
big congratulations on your five eggs!!! that is fantastic and i am so happy for you. sweet dreams tonight kate and for a great fert report tomorrow.
Hooray!!!!!! Thinking and wishing you the best.
It's the FANTASTIC FIVE....I feel it!!!! I am going to root for each and every one of those little ones!
Here's hoping and praying this IS your MAGICAL CYCLE!!!
My retrieval was today too. We are right with you and retrieved 6. Here's hoping to good fertilization reports for us both tomorrow!
Hoping that five beautiful follicles means five beautiful eggs that will have already progressed to 10 (or is it 15?) beautiful cells by tomorrow.
And yeah, the anesthesia always makes me lose an entire day. Sleep tight.
Yay 5!!! Hoping for continued good news!!
Yippee for 5. Fingers crossed for great news tomorrow!
I am filled with hope for you! Sending tons of positive energy and thoughts...
Five is fabulous! Kick that fear to the curb. I so want them all to fertilize! May all your eggs be fertile!
Yay five! Sending them and you much love and hope for a weekend full of growth and a great transfer on Monday.
Hooray for five! And "feel like a newt" - superb! :-)
WOW!!! 5!!!
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